Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dragon Age/Mass effect 2 help?

I bought Dragon Age back in November 2009 new...and it came with the blood dragon armor dlc, and I was saving it for when Mass Effect 2 released...but Mass Effect 2 got here and I couldn't find the dlc there anyway that I could get Bioware/EA (whichever) to believe me and get me another could I give them the barcode or something to prove that I had it?Dragon Age/Mass effect 2 help?
Only EA can answer this question. It's doubtful though.Dragon Age/Mass effect 2 help?
Go to their support page and tell them what happened.Dragon Age/Mass effect 2 help?
I think your best bet is to call or e-mail bioware/EA's customer service and try to ask them about giving you a new code. There should be contact information at or

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