Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hi now that I finish playing Fallout & 5 DLC's, why of the 2 should I get? Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2?

Hi I freaking love Fallout 3 %26amp; their 5 DLC's. I've already own Modern Warfare 2,Bioshock 2, %26amp; other popular games. The next game that I want to buy is Splinter Cell: Conviction,Alan Wake, %26amp; SSF 4 but that's until next month or 2. Now to answer my question is which of the 2 games that has better story,longer missions, %26amp; is more fun? Mass Effect 2 or Dragon Age? Thank you.

P.S. I've already beat Mass Effect 1 %26amp; I really like the game %26amp; Dragon Age it reminds me more Oblivion %26amp; Fable 2 which their cool too.Hi now that I finish playing Fallout %26amp; 5 DLC's, why of the 2 should I get? Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2?
Dragon Age is superior on PC because you need to zoom out for tactical overview and use the mouse and keyboard for a good gameplay experience. The console versions are ports and the game was designed to work best on PC. You can't zoom out on consoles because their dated hardware can't handle it. The graphics look worse, the gameplay is not as fluent and overall it's a dumbed down version. The story hasn't been altered in any way. It's just the gameplay and visuals that are bad on consoles.

I personally prefer Mass effect 2 over Dragon Age. Dragon Age has a very generic setting based on existing lore. You'll see dwarfs, elves, werewolves but nothing original. Half of the main cast is unlikable and the story is very basic for a BioWare game. The gameplay saves what would have been a mediocre game but only on PC. It's very long, though. Mass Effect 2 is much more original in storytelling and characters and the gameplay is a huge improvement compared to the first game.

Dragon Age is nothing like Oblivion. I haven't played Fable 2 but if it's a casual game like the original Fable, they cannot be compared. Dragon Age is one of the few hardcore games of this generation.Hi now that I finish playing Fallout %26amp; 5 DLC's, why of the 2 should I get? Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2?
Mass Effect 2. (Plus you can import your Mass Effect 1 savegames into Mass Effect 2)

Dragon Age is better on PC anyway.Hi now that I finish playing Fallout %26amp; 5 DLC's, why of the 2 should I get? Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2?
Bioshock is freakin awesome. try the first before going on the the 2nd.

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