Sunday, March 4, 2012

Why is Dragon Age Origins DLC's so expensive.?

Well, i just bought the game for 16.99 euro, and now i see that the game add ons, are going to cost me over 40 is it that 6 DLC's is more then 2 times as expensive as the game itself.

Is there any way I can get them for cheaper?

Should'nt it drop in value over time, just like the game itself....Why is Dragon Age Origins DLC's so expensive.?
They're expensive because they're awesome and the more expensive, the longer the content is. Darkspawn Chronicles is the best.

I got Stone Prisoner and the armour one for free when I bought my copy of the game. I don't think you can get them cheaper.Why is Dragon Age Origins DLC's so expensive.?
Jeeze 17 euros thats pretty good for a game that has barely been out for a year.

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