Sunday, March 4, 2012

Will your character import on dragon age 2?

I heard your choices throughout your playthrough on dragon age origins awakening and all the dlc will carry over but can you continue playing as the same character if you want to?Will your character import on dragon age 2?
No your warden character does not import to Dragon Age 2 but many of the decisions you made in the first one will reflect in the 2nd one. The main character in Dragon Age 2 is Hawke who fled Lothering just before it was destroyed by the darkspawn. Sucks that you can't play your warden but I'm hoping that in a later game maybe the 3rd one the two characters, your warden and this new Hawke character, will be connected/brought together somehow but the 2nd one still looks like it will be cool!Will your character import on dragon age 2?
No, in Dragon Age 2, you play as Hawke, a human who's story begins during the Darkspawn attack of Lothering. Hawke can be either male or female, and with a choice of the three classes (warrior, rogue, or mage).
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