With Dragon Age 2 scheduled for a 2011 release I ws wandering what other fans of the previous games wanted to see in thhe sequel.
I want to mainly see this:
Setting (I would like to see the sequel take place outisde Fereldan with perhaps Orlais beingthe next destination)
Charcter Selection Changes (Possibilty to play as Qunari, an Apostate Mage Origin and a Cleric Class added)
Specializations (Each race should have an individual specialization to be unlocked at Level 10 and the Cleric Specs should be as follows-Paladin, Chanter, Arcane Handler [mage] and Leader)
The Story (should revolve around more than just the Darkspawn with perhaps Qunari invading Orlais trying to conquer it whilst the Darkspawn taint another god. At the head of two crisises the Wardens and Army must decide who to side with but ultimately however the ending should how the other side conquering Orlais leaving it open for a DLC Expansion)
Side Quests (DAO needs more ongoing quest like they Elder Scrolls have with the Dark Brotherhood and Fighter's Guild. A great would be helping the templars quell an uprise of Apostates and/or Blood Mages and perhaps another revolving around Demons who have escaped from the fade)
The Ritual (I think two of the wardens should now survive and that you are now placed in the main battle but at the back of the pack fighting anyone who gets through however you are told to retreat when the NPC Recruit dies at he hands of a Ogre Alpha together you a Dwarf Warden and a Human Warden escape only to watc on as Darkspawn and Qunari inadvertantly work together to decimate the Humans and Wardens)
The Main Quest Branch Quests (Basically the quests within the Main Quest which need to be completed before these should include three seperare quest for each main threat [Qunari and Darkspawn] for the DS you should have to recruit more Wardens as the Dwarf is a senior and knows the ritual, Gather forces from Dwarves and Elves as a Blight is now at hand and save the Emperor/Empress from Darkspawn attempting to overtake the Orlesian capital. For the Qunari you should have to travel to Fereldan and ask the King [hopefully Alistair from a default ending from DAO 1] for help against invading Qunari forces and find a Grey Warden (the one from the Sacred Ashes trailer hopefully) and ask for the Fereldan Grey Wardens for help) You should also have to find out the Qunari's motives and where they come from and thier main weaknesses)
Finally the Companions (throughout the main quest you should be run into Leliana and Morrigan in Orlais. Plus the Fereldans Help would usher King Alistair and The Warden over to join the final battle as NPCs. New Companions would incude the two surviving Grey Wardens, a new Mabari War Hound, A female Dwarf, A Rogue Dalish Elf and A Male Mage)
What are your ideasDragon Age 2 Fan Ideas?
I dont think your 'question' is too relevent and you should really post something like this on BioWare social website.
Also some of the things you have listed has already been created (there is a mod for paladin and cleric)
although I have to admit your ideas are some what interesting.
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