Sunday, March 4, 2012

Is Dragon Age 2 really awesome?

so yeah, this game disapointed me. overall it made for a fun playthrough, but a lot more could have been done with it. first of all, the elves looked mutated, possibly like Smeagol/ Gollum, it just seemed like an unnecesary and annoying change to me. secondly, the entire plot consisted mage hatred. when morrigan alluded to the change to befall the world in the witch hunt dlc, i thought "oh yay! another abomination that is going to try to destory mankind! stopping it will be just as fun as stopping the archdemon!" alas, i was disapointed. instead (spoilers) there was a templar mage war which happened for, as far as i can tell, pretty much no reason. there isn't even a central antagonist, meredith and orsino can hardly even be faulted for their actions, and the arishok was just doing what his religion told him to. thirdly, what i found so fascinating about origins was the diversity in the locations. in dragon age 2, pretty much every dungeon, building, and mansion was structured the same; boring. since i just got done talking about the arishok, let's discuss the overpowered enemies. the arishok is an extremely difficult fight solo since just for attacking him while he is moving you get knocked back, and he possesses and extremely high health. on top of that, he has health potions! unfair... anyway that was just one overpowered one, i could probably think of more if pressed. my last major problem; the characters. very undeveloped companions, all focusing around the same concept; i help you, you join me, i help you again, you gain my respect. the origins characters were so much more in depth to me, even though each one pretty much had one quest but still. and the romances were pretty bad, but i won't go to deep into that one. one thing i did like about it was the new combat system, though the button mashing i found to get a bit old. anyway, i've given my opinion, i mean no disrespect to bioware or fans, feel free to comment and leave your opinions or criticisms.Is Dragon Age 2 really awesome?
While I felt the environments were too similar I mean they used a few caves of the exact same structure like five times each. The plot could have used a bit of work but I thought it was easy to get into and passable, not good but passable. I liked the combat system though. I had fun with this one, had decent replay value and was overall a good game.
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